Graduation Portraits

UCLA Graduation Photographer

Yes, in recent years graduation portraits became more popular. What I mean by that is that in the past people used to go to the studios and take format graduation portraits. Don’t get me wrong. People still do, and we still provide those classic services. But today people what to take professional pictures right on their schools’ campus. Nothing is more timeless than pictures right there in front of the building were the graduate spent most of his/her time the past several years. Most popular request we get are the campuses of UCLA, USC, Cal State LA, Cal State Long Beach, Cal State Fullerton and Cal Poly Pomona.

Check out USC Graduation Portrait Gallery


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All rights reserverd, unauthorized duplication, distirbution and reproduction strictly prohibited

Contact Details

Gasparian FOTO,
739 E Walnut St. Unit 201
Pasadena, CA 91101
323.638.7260 | Mobile
801.409.2073 | FAX

Instagram: @GasparianFOTO